Ruqyah Pasien | Foto : Media Cirebon |
Ruqyah Cirebon - Quoting Wikipedia, Ruqyah or rukyah is a healing method by reading something to people who are sick as a result of 'ain, animal stings, venom, magic, pain, madness, possession and disturbance of jinn.
Ruqyah is a treatment that has actually been practiced since the time of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions. When any of them were sick, both physically and mentally, the Prophet ruqyah them and then they recovered.
Treatment with the ruqyah model is still used today, including in Indonesia. Usually, ruqyah is done by smart people by treating jinn disorders or there is an unpleasant feeling in a person. Ruqyah is open to the public, anyone can do this treatment as long as it is suitable.
Besides having to be careful in doing rukyah. We also need to multiply his prayers. Ruqyah, in addition to requiring special skills, there are also prayers and practices that need to be done by people who ruqyah.
In the book Abwabul Faraj, Sayid Muhammad bin Abbas al-Maliki mentions one of the ruqyah prayers that the Prophet read when he was sick. Therefore, if we are sick, then we should read a prayer so that God will give us a speedy recovery.
Sayyid Muhammad mentioned the hadith narrated by Imam Muslim from Sayidah Ayesha, he said;
انَ ا اشْتَÙƒَÙ‰ Ù„ُ اللهِ Ù„َّÙ‰ اللهُ Ù„َÙŠْÙ‡ِ Ù„َّÙ…َ اهُ Ù„ُ، الَ: بِاسْÙ…ِ اللهِ Ù„ِّ اءٍ اسِدٍ ا ÙˆَØ´َرِّ Ù„ِّ عَÙŠْÙ†ٍ
Meaning: "The Messenger of Allah. when he complained of pain, the Angel Gabriel greeted him by saying, 'Bismilhi yubrika wa min kulli da-in yasyfika wa min syarri hasidin iza hasada wa syarri kulli zi a'inin.'”
So from the explanation above, the prayer sentence is as follows;
اسْÙ…ِ اللهِ Ù„ِّ اءٍ Øَاسِدٍ ا Ù„ِّ
Bismillahi yubrika wa min kulli da-in yasyfika wa min syarri hasidin iza hasada wa syarri kulli zi a'inin.
Meaning: "In the name of Allah He heals you, and from every disease He heals you, and from the evil of the envious when he is envious, and from the evil of all eyes."
For those of you who have mental illness, or prolonged physical illness, the ruqyah method may be an alternative treatment.
Hopefully by practicing this prayer all the diseases that you suffer from will be cured by Allah SWT. And, may Allah lift this pandemic plague disease.